
International Women's Day 2025 Book Recommendations

Saturday 8th March is International Women's Day and it is time to #AccelerateAction!!! ✊ It is well-known that the achievements . . .

Rap Group with Karen Dunbar

Karen Dunbar, facilitated by Glasgow Girls Club, joined our young women to create a rap on the theme of loneliness. . . .

Hidden Homelessness Group with Elena Harris, Community Artist; funded by Glasgow Wellbeing Fund

The purpose of this group was to provide a platform for the young women to use their experience to help . . .

Trail Walk

One of the instructors from Ardroy, Katie offered to facilitate a trail walk for our young women. We met her . . .

Ardroy Activity Day

Our continued partnership with Ardroy Outdoor Education Centre offers our young women the chance to get back to nature and . . .

Stigma Comic

We had an amazing opportunity to partner with See Me Scotland to work on a project exploring the understanding of . . .

Art and Storytelling Group - Mini Exhibition

Thanks again to Nicola Dickson, artist & researcher with Glasgow University, and Lauren from the Village Storytelling Centre for working . . .

A Poem by one of our Young Women

Survived by Allayis SilverMane Here on my arm lies a mark that I made.When I was so low, I cut . . .

Artwork Exhibition at Glasgow Women’s Library

We’re so excited that the Glasgow Women’s Library is holding an exhibition of the artwork created by our Young Women, . . .

Story Telling Group Exhibition

On Wednesday July 10th we had an incredible exhibition of the art work from our Story Telling Group at SAY . . .

Young Women’s Residential Weekend

This June saw another weekend of activities and bonding at Ardroy Outdoor Education Centre, which was a great success! The . . .

Staff Residential Weekend

In May SAY staff made our way to a bonding and activity weekend in Glencoe. We were happily exhausted after . . .

Glasgow’s Kiltwalk 2022

April saw the return of the fully functioning post-Covid Kiltwalk in Glasgow. Some of our staff took part in the . . .