Archway Glasgow - Immediate Support for Rape and Sexual Assault - 0141 211 8175 or 0800 148 88 88
Rape Crisis Scotland - Rape and Sexual Assault Support - 08088 01 03 02
Scottish Domestic Abuse Helpline - Domestic Abuse Support - 0800 027 1234
MAIRSINN - Ritual Abuse and Dissociation Support
Galop - the LGBT+ anti-abuse charity - Support for LGBT+ people who've experienced abuse and violence - 0800 999 5428
Samaritans - Emotional Support and Suicide Issues - 116 123
Papyrus - Prevention of Young Suicide - HOPELINE247: 0800 068 4141
Sandyford Central Glasgow - Sexual Health Appointments and Support - 0141 211 8130
NHS24 - Out of Hours Health Care - 111
Breathing Space - Emotional and Mental Health support - 0800 83 85 87
Mind - Mental Health Support Line - 0300 102 1234
SHOUT 85258 - 24/7 free, confidential, anonymous text mental health support service.
Sane - Support and Research into Mental Illness - 0300 304 7000 (4pm to 10.30pm daily)
Rethink Mental Illness - Mental Illness Support and Advice - 0300 500 0927
No Panic - Advice and Support for Panic Attacks, OCD and Anxiety-Based Disorders - 0300 772 9844 (10am to 10pm daily)
Self Injury Support - Support Services for Self-Harm (all support services answered by female trained volunteers):
Victim Support Scotland - Support for anyone affected by crime - 0800 160 1985
Glasgow Women’s Aid - Domestic abuse support and refuge accommodation - 0141 553 2022
Simon Community Women's Services- Women's Community Support Centre 'Connect Hub', Emergency and Supported Accommodation for Women - 0800 027 7466
Govanhill Women’s Project - Simon Community Emergency Supported Accommodation based in Govanhill - 0141 423 5599
Ubuntu Women Shelter - Support and short term accommodation for women with no recourse to public funds
Amina – The Muslim Women's Resource Centre - support for Muslim and BME women, including those with no recourse to public funds - Helpline 0808 801 0301
Women’s Support Project - Campaign to End Violence Against Women - 0141 418 0748,
Shelter Scotland - 0808 800 4444
Glasgow City Council Community Homeless Services
Out of Hours Service - 0800 838 502
South Glasgow - 0141 276 8201
North East Glasgow - 0141 276 6153
North West Glasgow - 0141 276 6168
Glasgow Helpline - 0800 027 7466
Edinburgh Helpline - 0808 178 2323
Glasgow City Mission - Christian charity providing emergency accommodation and a range of support services
City Centre Project 0141 221 2630
Children and Family Centre 0141 445 3551
Homeless Project Scotland - National Homelessness Helpline 0800 999 2477 (24/7 365 days a year)
Homeless Network Scotland - 0141 420 7272
Govan Law Centre - Housing Advocacy and other support - 0800 043 0306
Bureaux | Citizens Advice Scotland - Use this link to search for your local Citizens Advice Bureau and get face-to-face advice on a wide range of issues including legal, financial and family issues.
TARA Scotland - 0141 276 7724
Beyond the Streets - Beyond Support - 0800 133 7870
Turning Point Glasgow Crisis Service - Alcohol and Drug Addiction Support and Residential Service - 0141 420 6969, 80 Tradeston Street, Glasgow G5 8BL
Alcoholics Anonymous - 0800 917 7650 (24-hour helpline)
Narcotics Anonymous - 0300 999 1212 (10am to midnight daily)
Rehab 4 Addiction - Help and Advice for Alcohol and Drug Addiction - 0800 140 4690